The Health Benefits of Frozen Yogurt

Frozen yogurt is of great assistance to digestive and cardiovascular systems and also has the effect of giving the immune system the boost.

Frozen yogurt contains probiotics which are micronutrients that do wonders for the digestive system. The lactic acid bacteria used to produce yogurt includes Streptococcus thermophilus and Lactobacillus bulgaris. These friendly bacteria improve digestive function, reduce allergic reactions and may aid in lactose digestion in individuals with lactose intolerance. Yogurt can also help decrease symptoms of inflammatory bowel disease, or IBD.

“Good” bacteria are able to create B-complex vitamins as well as vitamin K. The body needs Vitamin K to help absorb Vitamin C. L. acidophilus also has the ability to make short chain fatty acids, which provides protection against disease for brain and intestinal cells.

Half a cup of frozen yogurt provides 103 mg of calcium and can help prevent bone and tooth loss as well regulate the heart beat and nerves. You can also cut calories if you substitute your ice cream for frozen yogurt. An average serving of frozen yogurt provides 4 g of fat, while a serving of ice cream provides between 10 and 12 g of fat.

Even though technically, frozen yogurt is a carbohydrate it is the good kind. The carbohydrate in lactose is considered a complex carbohydrate. Complex carbohydrates are important for generating a sustained form of energy.

Frozen yogurt also can help maintain and improve blood vessel health as well keep your cholesterol levels low. It helps the fiber you eat absorb toxins and sweep debris out of the intestines.

Yogurt also has the ability to help increase levels of cholesterol called high density lipid (known as HDL) and decrease levels of unhealthy low density lipids. This can help reduce your risk of contracting many different types of ailments and diseases including high cholesterol, high blood pressure and hardening of the arteries.
Frozen yogurt is also a source of protein, providing approximately 2.9 g per serving. Protein is essential for proper tissue repair and maintenance.

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