Should You Be Using Liquid or Powdered Frozen Yogurt Mix?

There are many variables that are going to affect whether or not you are going to be using liquid or powdered yogurt mix from how creative you like to be with fillings to how much storage space you have in your refrigerators. Here are a few points to consider when it comes to figuring out whether liquid or powdered yogurt is best for you.

Is your frozen yogurt mix supplier far away? Sometimes it is cheaper to pick up a frozen yogurt mix locally. Shipping costs might actually dictate whether or not you use frozen or powdered mix. It can depend where you are located in the country.

Are you able to afford the costs of refrigerated delivery? Powdered mix is cheaper to ship than refrigerated mix.

Are you able to afford the costs of refrigeration on your premises? If you buy liquid yogurt mix then you are going to have to pay the power costs for refrigerating it.

Do you have room in your refrigerators for frozen liquid mix? One of the biggest issues for small frozen yogurt shops is space. If you have limited space then powdered mix might be a better option.

Do you like to customize your yogurt flavors? If you like to create your yogurt flavors then you might be better off with powders because they are plainer in character than the liquid frozen yogurt mix.

Do you like to use product as you go? If you like to make your product as you go then you are better off using the powder mix. This is because if it gets busy, you can make more and then store the mixed product in the refrigerator for about ten days. One of the problems with using liquid based mixes is that they are frozen and you must thaw it before you use it. Sometimes it can be quite difficult to figure out how many cartons you will need to thaw in advance and the result is that your product gets thrown out.

Are you looking for a low-calorie or low-sugar yogurt mix? Sometimes powdered yogurt mix has less sugar than the preflavored liquid versions. This is because almost all of the brands contain high fructose corn syrup. However, there are some liquid mixes that are all natural and a healthy option.

Frozen Yogurt is Full of Vitamins and Minerals
One of the biggest selling points that you have when it comes to frozen yogurt is the fact that it is a healthier option when craving a sweet frozen dessert. Frozen yogurt contains probiotics and can be low-fat.

You can most certainly let your customers know that yogurt is one of the world’s healthier foods that contains nutrients including vitamins B-2, B-12 and B-1. If you are adding milk or cream to your mix then it will also likely contain vitamins A and D.
Yogurt is also rich in minerals such as calcium, magnesium, potassium phosphorus, selenium and zinc which are important for the healthy maintained of bones, teeth, tissue cells and the proper function of the nervous and immune systems.

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All products are proudly made in the USA and shippable to a large number of international countries. All vendors are very well versed at shipping internationally and can help you.